Thursday, July 03, 2008

nom nom nom!!!

On Sunday night my mom and I made a little slice of heaven. Actually, we made an entire pie tin full of heaven. Key Lime Pie. Yum!!! The recipe is off of the bottle of key lime juice (Nelly & Joe's, I think). It is something ridiculously easy like 3 egg yolks, one can of sweetened condensed milk, and 1/2 cup key lime juice. Mix it up, pour in crust. Bake for 15 minutes at 350 degrees. Let stand 10 minutes. Chill. So freaking simple.

We made a double batch. Mom used her evil premade gluten filled crust. I made a crust out of the Trader Joe's Gluten Free Ginger Snaps. Oh. My. God! It was so good! I definitely recommend using them for your graham cracker style pie crusts. I think I may try it for cheese cake topped with lemon curd. ::drool::


BealcA's Pad said...

Sounds so good. I love searching the blogs for the g-f recipes. It seems that more and more I run into more people who like me have a problem with Gluten.

Elizabeth Morrison said...

I've just added the cheesecake ingredients to my grocery list.. what a yummy thought to put lemon curd on top! I have a jar in my fridge I was really needing a good idea for. Thanks! :)